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say what you need to say .

Okay, yes it's funny, but also SUPER NOT FUNNY. I resent local media for doing things like this. Mainstream media and advertising does it too, but obviously in a much more subtle way (i.e. that KIA commercial with the "urban" styled rats driving around). If I don't know, say B.E.T., had several local news stations who sought after stories in the most rural, white, hick towns in the south, we would most likely find some some pretty interesting characters as well ... Say for instance a piece about a gay, white hick, who's would-be intelligence is ultimately shrouded by his utter ignorance of the media's exploitation of his sad, but very true reality. It would also undoubtedly be shrouded by, for example, his lack of pearly whites (or resemblance of any teeth for that matter) and a thick, barely discernible southern accent. Stereotyping at its finest right? It's like taking a small demographic and pinning it on an entire locality, or state, or even race. Really America? Poor Antoine (I clearly mean this literally and figuratively) trying to protect his family, but instead, unknowingly, has garned internet fame with the most negative and degrading connotations possible (this video is all over facebook, youtube, etc). People are finding this so comical -- even black people. Don't you realize that media sources whom elect to broadcast segments, like these, within inner city localities, like this one, are smashing a mirror right under your nose and eyes??? People keep on sucking the media ball sack and the media ball sack just keeps jizzing right back on them (pardon my vulgarity). Do you really think the producers of this particular broadcast, and countless others like it, decided to air this segment unbeknownst to its inevitable and predictable perception? PLEASE. I am nevertheless ...insulted -- not by Antoine, but by this Huntsville news station and its affiliated broadcast network. I'm not trying to get all Tommie Smith and John Carlos circa summer of 1968, but i'm just saying. There are so many Antoine Dodson's out there on youtube and on the news and on the internet that it makes me sick. There are 50 million Antoine Dodson's to the one Billy Joe Ray out there being "shared," "tweeted," "linked" and "liked." What a terribly misguided representation of this nation's demographic; but in an equally oppressive way, it is an absolute, spot-on representation of this nation's demographic. Catch 22 you know? 

Ugh I should write a paper on these absurdities, but then I decided grannyazileegrannygladys will do.  

disgusted and disgruntled,  


p.s. - WATCH (if you haven't already seen it)

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